Working together to end the disastrous consequences of current Arizona state law that promotes nuisance, tax fraud and the commercialization of residential neighborhoods by Short Term Rentals. Neighborhoods are for neighbors living in homes, not transient strangers in unstaffed motels.
True “Home Sharing” in a Primary Residence is fine, since there is still an actual resident and neighbor, and rentals are limited to 180 days per year (otherwise it’s not a primary residence).
Investor owned, full time STRs with no actual resident are a disaster for communities and abhorrent public policy. Uncontrolled noise, parking, trash, parties, overcrowding, tax rip-offs, child safety issues, destroying the housing market and affordability, killing jobs, losing tax revenue and federal funding, etc. etc. They should be strictly regulated to conform with Single Family areas, taxed as the commercial properties that they plainly are, or banned altogether.
The Housing Disaster of Investor STRs
STRs get 3 to 4 times the monthly rent of long term rentals. These much higher returns mean STR investors will continue to displace residents and increase housing prices until some kind of tipping point is reached. Legislators in other states understand this and allow STRs only in primary residences or cap the number. But not Arizona where there are no rules, restrictions or limits on investor owned STRs. So investors make big returns while potential homeowners and residents are shut out of the market. This is the exact opposite of good housing policy. Unlimited investor STRs means unlimited disaster for housing affordability and availability in Arizona.
STRs cause Police Calls at 22x the rate of actual residents!!
Recent numbers from Scottsdale Police Dept show STRs cause trouble 22 times as often as actual residents. And this is probably a big undercount since the vast majority of STRs are unlicensed, unregistered and operating illegally. This is exactly why STRs are a huge, unfair burden on City services as they ruin neighborhoods and destroy the quality of life for actual residents that live there.
VRBO Report Shows 20% of STRs are Troublemakers
A January 2022 report by the industry group Rent Responsibly that was paid fo by VRBO shows 20% of STRs receive complaints and cause trouble in their communities. Even the industry’s own propaganda shows STRs are persistent nuisances and horrible neighbors.
90+% of STRs are UNLICENSED and ILLEGAL!!!
AZ Department of Revenue numbers show 94% of STRs are operating illegally without a license, opening the door to immense tax fraud and cheating. Why isn’t AZDOR enforcing this? Why do our legislators allow this rampant cheating? The entire situation with STRs in Arizona is a disgrace.
SEE FOR YOURSELF – All lisitings and ads for STRs are required to show their 7 digit “TPT” license number (basically their sales tax number) in the “property description” section. A recent survey showed only 7% of Airbnb listings include the required TPT number. Check the listings in your area. Any listing that doesn’t show a TPT number is operating illegally and should be reported to your local compliance officer and AZDOR and fines should be enforced!!
Vigilante Action on STRs!
Tires slashed, warnings painted on illegal STR where neighbors were fed up with the nuisance, noise and aggravation. People can only take so much before they explode. The Tribe has Spoken! READ MORE
Airbnb’s own propaganda proves STRs are a disaster for AZ
Oxford Economics recently released a report on how Airbnbs impact jobs in several markets. Since Airbnb paid for the report the numbers should be as wildly supportive of Airbnb as possible. But in Arizona they found only 6,300 jobs are supported by Airbnbs, which is a pathetic 0.21 jobs per listing. Put another way, they found only 16 jobs are supported for each 100 Airbnb listings, or an even more miserable 0.16 jobs per listing. And these are Airbnb’s own, custom crafted, “best possible case” numbers. See Airbnb’s data HERE.
Compared to legitimate hotels in Arizona that create 1.9 jobs per room (According to Arizona Office of Tourism) STRs destroy hospitality employment by 92%. STRs are a job disaster for Arizona hospitality, the 2nd biggest industry in the state, putting almost 200,000 jobs at risk. The current situation with STRs is ruinous public policy for jobs, taxes, neighborhoods and families in Arizona. Arizona would be far better off with visitors in hotels and residents in homes.
Census Stunner – Airbnbs costs AZ a US Representative in Congress
For the first time in decades Arizona couldn’t add a congressional district because we were 79,509 residents short. With 30,000 STRs and 2.68 residents per household STRs lowered our population by 80,400 people. So STRs just kept Arizona from getting its 10th congressional district.
Airbnbs cost AZ $98 Million in Federal Funds
According to Gov. Ducey, each lost resident means a loss of $877 in Federal Funding. So STRs cost Arizona over $98 MILLION in Federal Funding alone. STRs only paid $33 million in TPT “bed taxes” to the State last year, so STRs are a NET LOSS TO ARIZONA OF OVER $65 MILLION A YEAR – before even considering the nuisance, noise and destruction of neighborhoods. WHEN DOES THE CRAZY STOP??
Drunk Strangers at Your Door at 2:33 AM
This 30 second video will convince anyone that STRs are a nuisance and a threat that should be banned from residential areas. Why should anyone have to endure this garbage at their front door? IS YOUR HOUSE – OR YOUR MOM’s HOUSE – NEXT?? Shouldn’t our legislators be protecting us from this instead of putting Airbnb profits ahead of residents’ safety??
Appalling Airbnb Statistics for Scottsdale
New numbers from Scottsdale Police Department and City administration prove how bad STRs are for neighborhoods, Cities and Arizona:
- Only 16% of Active STRs are registered as required in Scottsdale – This just proves the vast majority of STR operators are shady scofflaws – bad apples – looking to make a quick buck by strip mining our neighborhoods and putting the safety of our families at risk.
- 90% of Nuisance Party and Unruly Gathering violations are from STRs – 90%!! –
- Since there are only 5,000 STRs and about 120,000 non-STR households it means STRs are 211 TIMES MORE LIKELY to have a Nuisance Party violation than an actual resident. How can this possibly be good for Arizona’s residents and communities? For a cleaner, safer, quieter neighborhood GET RID OF STRs!!
There are now more STR bedrooms than hotel rooms in Scottsdale. Does anybody think it makes sense to get rid of occupancy limits or fire safety requirements or on-site management or prohibit audits at hotels? Of course not! So why do we let STRs, which are now bigger than hotels get away with these blatant rip-offs?!?! Enough with people being driven from their homes of 30 years, of having to stay in a hotel or sleep in their garage because of the noise – ENOUGH WITH OUT OF CONTROL STRs RUINING THE “QUIET ENJOYMENT” OF OUR HOMES, OUR QUALITY OF LIFE AND OUR NEIGHBORHOODS.
Airbnbs are “A Pig in the Parlor”
Zoning Regulations to protect communities from nuisance uses were ruled Constitutional almost 100 years ago. “A nuisance may be merely a right thing in the wrong place, like a pig in a parlor instead of the barnyard.” Transient Lodging, especially investor owned STRs with no on-site management is obviously commercial activity that is incompatible with residential areas – a “right thing in the wrong place”. See more from Euclid v. Ambler
The STR industry and their lobbyists claim “Property Rights” allow them to use their property any way they want. But property rights stop at the property line, while the noise, parking problems, traffic, trash, random strangers and nuisance behaviors that affect the larger community on a daily basis do not. Local Zoning was established and ruled Constitutional precisely to protect communities from these “pigs in the parlor”. Arizona desperately needs to reinstate Local Zoning to RESTORE THE RIGHTS OF RESIDENTS TO THE “QUIET ENJOYMENT” OF THEIR HOMES – the “Property Rights” that Airbnb, Ducey and SB 1350 destroyed.
The Pollack Report On STRs – “Arizona’s Recipe for Disaster”
“In Arizona this problem is at the most extreme” – Get the full report by clicking ARIZONA’S RECIPE FOR DISASTER
The “Airbnb Bill” was passed without any economic impact study or analysis of any kind. Finally there is a thoughtful review of what STRs are actually doing to our neighborhoods, employment and tax base. Huge benefits for a few investors, a disaster for everyone else.
33 Mayors Representing over half the State Urge Reform!
Are you listening Airbnb? Are you listening Gov. Ducey? When 33 Mayors including many of Arizona’s largest Cities and Towns band together because of the disruptions and harm STRs bring to their communities, maybe it’s time to pay attention and come up with real solutions to real problems. Click below to see the letter these mayors sent to Airbnb and VRBO, and a video highlighting the nuisances and threats to safety STRs bring to neighborhoods that used to be quiet and safe .
The Problem with Short Term Rentals in AZ
Arizona State Law 1350 gave Short Term Rentals, like Airbnb and VRBO a “sweetheart” deal that stripped away local zoning, prohibited regulations, allowed unlimited occupancy, gave away tax breaks and a bunch of other “goodies” to the STR Industry. The result is overcrowded, unstaffed, unregulated “STR motels” taking over Single Family Residential neighborhoods with nuisance properties. It’s like having a combination of “Animal House” and Motel 6 next door instead of an actual neighbor.
The Solution for STRs in AZ
The State Legislature needs to pass corrective legislation with Common Sense provisions that protect Arizona residents instead of Silicon Valley Billionaires, including:
RETURN OF LOCAL ZONING – The State stripped away local zoning and forced commercial STRs into residential areas. Communities should once again be able to determine their own zoning according to their own needs and standards and set their own fees and penalties.
OCCUPANCY LIMITS – Allowing overcrowded STRs with no occupancy limit is simply reckless and the greatest source of nuisance behaviors. 99% of all U.S. families have 6 or fewer members. If STRs are in Single Family Areas they should meet Single Family norms with a maximum of 6 people. Otherwise high occupancy STRs belong in commercial areas.
REQUIRE REGISTRATION and VERIFY LISTINGS – “Non Compliance Rates” for STRs are 40 to 80% in many areas. These unregistered, unlicensed “pirate properties” increase nuisance and decrease tax collections. Online Platforms like Airbnb are already set up to verify that listings are legitimate before taking any bookings, and they already do this in dozens of jurisdictions. Arizona should absolutely require the platforms to verify listings instead of enabling illegal properties and shady operators in our neighborhoods.
Airbnb and Neighborhood Crime – Northeastern University Study
“Increases in Airbnb listings led to more violence in neighborhoods” – “Airbnb listings erode the natural ability of a neighborhood to prevent crime” See the full study: AIRBNB AND NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME

Now Party House STRs are bringing PARTY BUSES too! If this happened next to Gov. Ducey’s house you can bet we’d have regulations on STRs real quick – But he lives in a protected HOA that doesn’t allow STRs.
“Now that I have those Big Old Parties I bring in an extra $2,000 to 3,000 a month!” (at 1:58) “If you want to have a massive rager, sure go ahead!” (at 2:53) Great – so this guy makes big money while the neighbors pay the price – what a grotesque situation – Looks like an instructional video on how to ruin neighborhoods even faster. This guy is from Dallas, but with unlimited STR occupancy 1350 allows “Massive Ragers” in Arizona anytime, anywhere, and nothing can be done about it until 1350 is fixed.
Ugly Facts about Short Term Rentals:
STRs CRUSH TAX REVENUE – STR room rates are less than half the rate for legitimate hotel rooms, so tax revenues are cut in half too – Arizona loses money with every STR.
SCOTTSDALE HAS MORE STR ROOMS THAN HOTEL ROOMS. Statewide there are 70% as many STR rooms as legitimate hotel rooms.
THE RICH GET RICHER – STRs make about 3x as much as long term rentals and the vast majority are investor owned (NOT Mom & Pop!) – So investors make HUGE returns while ruining neighborhoods and crushing the affordability and availability of housing for Arizona residents.
Wall St Journal – “Airbnb Posts Steep Losses After Going Public” – Comments
Wall St Journal – “For These Retirees STR Bans Aren’t Just a Perk – They’re a Must” – Comments
NY Times – “Airbnb Is Driving Hosts Elsewhere” –
Wall St Journal – “Airbnb’s IPO Warning: Unhappy Neighbors Are Fighting Back” –
Another out of control Short Term Rental Party House – When the guns came out there were 100 shots fired, 5 houses, 5 cars, 1 person hit. The area was a lovely residential cut-de-sac in Scottsdale. But Gov. Ducey’s failed SB 1350 law brought in unregulated, unsupervised, unrestricted Short Term Rentals that literally SHOT UP THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Now decent residents fear for their lives while transient Short Term Renters continue to run wild and destroy neighborhoods. 1350 has turned family neighborhoods into WAR ZONES! THIS IS INSANE!! Why is this tolerated? THE SAFETY OF CITIZENS SHOULD COME BEFORE PROFITS OF AIRBNB INVESTORS!! When will Ducey end the madness of 1350 and make neighborhoods safe for residents again?!?!?

FIX SB 1350!!
Take a look at our Facebook page too!
This website was established to connect and support Arizona Residents in our efforts to preserve Residential Neighborhoods and protect them from the Invasion of Investor Owned, commercial hotels with absentee management known as Short Term Rentals (STRs), like Airbnb, VRBO, Homeaway and others.
Neighborhoods are for neighbors living in homes, not transient strangers using unstaffed motels.
We just want quiet, safe neighborhoods again, along with the zoning we relied on when we bought or rented our homes.
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If you have complaints about Short Term Rentals (Airbnb, VRBO, etc.) in your area, let your state and local legislators know and urge them to fix the nightmare of STRs!
These are the people responsible for uncontrolled Short Term Rentals in Arizona. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN FIX IT. Send them a complaint each and every time you have a disturbance, nuisance, threat or have the “quiet enjoyment” of your home affected by an STR or their transient guests. Send a complaint EACH AND EVERY TIME you are disturbed until Gov. Ducey and your legislators get the message and FIX the mess they created with SB 1350.
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There is a crucial difference between Home Sharing and Short Term Rentals. True Home Sharing is an actual resident sharing their actual residence with paying guests. We support this as compatible with residential areas. However, Short Term Rentals that are owned and operated for purely investment purposes with no resident and absentee management are clearly, blatantly commercial lodging operations, businesses that simply don’t belong in residential areas.
It is obvious and indisputable that short term transient vacationers have entirely different attitudes and behaviors than full time, permanent residents. Vacationers are looking for a good time, actual residents have to get up and go to work in the morning. It’s the difference between a “one night stand” and a committed relationship, which is why zoning laws have sensibly separated transients from residents for decades. The constant flow of “one night stands”, overcrowded houses, parties, trash, noise, drugs and worse are a nuisance and a threat to Arizona residents in their own homes and neighborhoods.
Click below to open the map and zoom in on STRs in your area. Click on the icon for address and owner info.
There are over 12,000 STRs in Maricopa County, we’ve only had time to log about 1,000 so far – So reality is 12 TIMES WORSE than what’s shown on the map.

Arizona is UNIQUE in the nation for having a STATE LAW, SB 1350, that stripped away long established protections provided by local zoning and prohibits cities and towns from having rules and regulations that could deal with the nuisance of STRs. The state tore up the rules and left residents defenseless against the invasion of Short Term Rentals.
SB 1350 allows UNLIMITED OCCUPANCY in Short Term Rentals with no on-site management (100 people in a 3 bedroom house is perfectly legal!) and grants giant tax loopholes with immunity from audit for STR operators. SB 1350 also allows RV parks, homeless shelters and “rent by the hour” motels to open right next door to you, threatening your family’s safety, sanity and security.
Registered sex offenders visiting from out of state don’t have to inform Arizona authorities for 10 days. So SB 1350 opens the doors to sexual predators for anonymous short term stays at the Airbnb right next door to you and your family. With no notice, no on site supervision, no limit and no protection for you and your children. Shouldn’t Governor Ducey and the state legislature be protecting Arizona families from sexual predators instead of inviting them into family neighborhoods? STRs don’t belong in residential areas!
With no local zoning and no rules of course things are out of hand. As STRs proliferate uncontrolled, Party Houses are now turning into “Party Zones”. One jurisdiction in Arizona had a 114% increase in complaints on STRs. 45% of Police Department responses now relate to Short Term Rentals. Why should taxpayers foot the bill while Airbnb profits by bringing these nuisance STRs into our neighborhoods?
It’s gotten so bad under SB 1350 that other groups are using Arizona as an example of “what not to do” – CLICK HERE to link to Barnstable Watch’s excellent website. (They’re on Cape Cod and facing a similar threat.)
Any net tax benefit from STRs is pure fantasy. SB 1350 was passed without an economic impact statement so it was just a wild, uninformed guess about what might happen. In reality, an actual resident pays more in taxes than an STR in the same home. Hotel room rates are about 3 times the rate per room for STRs, so “bed taxes” are 3 times higher when visitors stay in hotels instead of STRs. Hotels pay commercial property taxes which are almost twice the residential rate STRs pay. STR visitors are far more likely to eat and drink at “home”, killing revenues for bars, restaurants and Arizona’s Food & Beverage taxes. STRs lower population counts, decreasing the number of taxpayers and increasing the burden on actual residents.

Arizona is clearly far better off on taxes, jobs and quality of life with actual residents in homes and visitors in hotels and resorts. There is a clear economic benefit to banning STRs.
So Ducey’s “signature bill” 1350 destroys neighborhoods, kills hospitality and crushes tourist tax revenues all at the same time! How is this good governance? How is this good for Arizona?
Contrary to what Airbnb would have you believe, it’s not about Mom & Pop making extra income anymore. The vast majority of listings are multi-property investment groups that are rapidly consolidating and invading residential areas. Of the 25,000 STR listings currently in Arizona we estimate that most are controlled by around 5,000 investors. Why does the state give special treatment to 5,000 investors while their STRs ruin the quality of life for 7 million residents? Isn’t this a total sellout to special interests at the expense of Arizona residents?
It’s not about “innovation” or “technology” – It’s about trashing established zoning to put investor owned commercial “transient lodging” businesses in residential areas. This wholesale re-zoning of the entire state was never put to a general vote or passed by referendum. Nobody WANTS an Airbnb next door. Airbnb with its BILLION$ in venture capital and army of lobbyists stuffed this down our throats.
This is a NON-PARTISAN issue affecting the quality of life for ALL Arizonans
Don’t let Arizona politicians put Silicon Valley Billionaires and corporate investors ahead of the rights and sanity of their CITIZENS!

TRUE “HOME SHARING” – That is, an actual resident sharing their actual home with paying guests. If it’s not your home it’s not sharing, it’s an investment property. If there’s no actual resident it’s a business and belongs in a commercial area.
REINSTATING SINGLE FAMILY ZONING WITH LOCAL CONTROL – With SB 1350 the state legislature “pre-empted” local single family zoning and gave special treatment to STRs statewide. One size does not fit all. Local communities should be able to determine their own zoning and regulations for STRs. Communities should be able to maximize quality of life for residents instead of maximizing profits for Airbnb!
SHORT TERM RENTALS (STRs) IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS – We support STRs when located in commercial areas. These investor owned hotels with no on-site management are obviously commercial “transient lodging” businesses that don’t belong in residential neighborhoods. You need a resident to be residential!
COMMON SENSE REGULATIONS – There is NO LIMIT on how many people can occupy an STR and local regulations are prohibited on occupancy, use or length of stay. The situation is totally out of hand. 99% of all U.S. families have 6 or fewer members. STRs should be limited to 6 occupants in single family areas. Limits on STR use and behavior should be allowed at the local level.
That are investor owned, commercial hotels in residential areas with:
- NO actual RESIDENT and NO neighbor – You need a resident to be residential!
- NO LIMITS on OCCUPANCY – 100 people in a 2 Bedroom house makes no sense but is perfectly legal
- NO MINIMUM STAY – “Rent by the hour” or constant turnover is perfectly legal for STRs in residential areas with long term residents and families.
- NO ON-SITE MANAGEMENT – No limit on occupancy, constant turnover and No On-Site management – THIS DOESN’T BELONG IN OUR RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS!

Contact your state legislators and local elected officials and tell them to:
- Fix Arizona State Law SB 1350, also known as “The Airbnb Law”
- Bring single family zoning, limits on occupancy and limits on what uses are allowed in residential areas back to the local level.
- Allow local communities to regulate STRs according to their local needs and standards.
- Make residential rentals of less than 30 days “commercial” unless it’s the primary residence of the “host”.
Contact Your State Legislators!!
Clicking below takes you to, the website for Arizona’s State Legislature. You can find your Senator and 2 Representatives, their address, phone and email information. Let all 3 know by phone, mail and email they need to “Fix The Airbnb Law”! You can even send them an email directly from the site.
FIND YOUR DISTRICT – If you don’t know your district click here:
LEGISLATOR CONTACT INFO – If you know your district click here for email and phone info for your State Senator and 2 Representatives. Contact all 3 of them by clicking on their email or giving them a call!
- Talk to your friends and neighbors, encourage them to get involved and contact their legislators
- Request a “Neighbors Not Nightmares” yard sign (click below) – Show your neighbors and the STRs where you stand!
- Raise awareness through social media, Facebook, Twitter, Next Door, letters to the Editor, etc.
- SUBSCRIBE so we can notify you of pending legislation and events affecting STRs
- Send us your stories and pictures of STR problems that we can post and send to legislators
Instead of “rolling over” for special interests and giving away the store like Arizona, here is how other communities that respect their residents, neighborhoods and quality of life have handled Short Term Rentals:
Tahoe – Enjoy winter skiing, summer swimming, and golf, but not in a residential zone: short-term transient rentals are banned except for commercial areas.
Palm Springs – A tourist favorite with over $7 billion in annual spending, it’s meticulous about zoning and occupancy. Two bedrooms, four adults max.
Palm Desert – This great destination in California’s Coachella Valley has golf courses, great shops, and forbids short-term rentals in residential zones.
Denver – With 31 million visitors a year, Denver bans investor Airbnbs. Rental licenses are denied or revoked if it’s found the activity hurts the neighborhood.
The Hamptons – These diverse villages ban investor-owned transient rentals. Primary residences only, no rentals under two weeks, four unrelated adults max.
Santa Monica – In this iconic community, you rent your actual home only. Airbnb and Expedia sued. U.S. Court of Appeals just upheld the absentee investor ban.
Miami Beach – Regulations include a mandatory sex offender registry check. Airbnb filed and settled a lawsuit, paid Miami’s $380,000 in attorney fees.
Daytona Beach – Airbnb-type rentals allowed only in zones where hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts are. After lawsuits and appeals, the rule was upheld.
New York – State law: no investor-owned rentals, sites must delete “hosts” with multiple properties. Airbnb sued and lost. NYC alone has 62 million tourists a year.
London – Seeing “hollowed out communities,” London enforces a 90-day-per-year limit on Airbnb-type rentals. Absentee investor-owners are banned.
NYC via Jersey City – New York said “no,” so investors invaded here for easy NYC access. Voters revolted. Now, rent the home you live in only, be present with guests.
San Francisco – Airbnb HQ city forbids absentee investors. Rules: live in the home at least 275 nights a year, be present with renters, rent 90 days a year max.
Learn More by Clicking on the Topics Below:
Here are the basic issues surrounding STRs in Arizona

They are completely different
Literally the difference between “one night stands” and committed relationships

Why doesn’t Zoning protect us from having unmanaged commercial hotels in single family residential areas? How can this happen?

It’s about the money. The secret deals that sold out the entire state.
TAX ISSUES – STRs get special deals, giant loopholes and can’t be audited. Every taxpayer in Arizona should be outraged.
ABOUT SB 1350 – The “Airbnb Law” passed in 2016 that stripped away single family zoning, allowed STRs with unlimited occupancy to open anywhere and prohibited towns and cities from regulating them.
WHAT TO DO IF AN STR OPENS NEXT DOOR – Some basic steps to deal with the nuisance and threat of STRs. Most important: Call the police. Contact your legislators.

QUOTES – What people are saying about STRs in their neighborhood.
FUN FACTS ABOUT STRs – Corporate consolidation driving out Mom & Pops – Nuisance complaints up 114% since last year – and more!
FIND YOUR CC&Rs – Find out if your area has Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions that restrict Short Term Rentals by following these instructions for the Maricopa County Recorders website